Contributing as a documentarian#

Write documentation

Explain how to get started, use, and contribute to the project.

Write documentation
Add a new example

Showcase the capabilities of PyDPF-Core by adding a new example.

Write a new example
Build the documentation

Render the documentation to see your changes reflected.

Build the documentation

Write documentation#

The documentation generator used in PyDPF-Core is Sphinx. Most of the documents are written in reStructuredText. Some parts of the documentation, like the examples, use a mix of reStructuredText and Python, thanks to Sphinx-Gallery. If you are interested in writing examples, see the writing examples section.

The documentation is located in the doc/source directory. The landing page is declared in the doc/source/index.rst file. The rest of the files contain the main pages of different sections of the documentation. Finally, the doc/source/_static/ folder contains various assets like images, and CSS files.

The layout of the doc/source directory is reflected in the slug of the online documentation. For example, the doc/source/getting_started/contribute/documentarian.rst renders as

Thus, if you create a new file, it important to follow these rules:

  • Use lowercase letters for file and directory names

  • Use short and descriptive names

  • Play smart with the hierarchy of the files and directories

All files need to be included in a table of contents. No dangling files are permitted. If a file is not included in the table of contents, Sphinx raises a warning.

A table of contents can be declared using a directive like this:

.. toctree::
    :maxdepth: 3


The path to the file is relative to the directory where the table of contents is declared.

Write a new example#

The examples section of the documentation showcases different capabilities of PyDPF-Core. Each example (grouped into folders of related examples) is a standalone Python script. Despite being *.py files, they are written in a mix of reStructuredText and Python. This is possible thanks to the Sphinx-Gallery Sphinx extension.

Documentarians writing new examples are encouraged to familiarize themselves with structuring Python scripts for Sphinx-Gallery. Once the .py file for a new example is properly set up, Sphinx-Gallery automatically generates Sphinx reStructuredText files from it. The rendering of the resulting reST will provide users with .ipynb (Jupyter notebook) and .py files of each example, which users can download.

Finally, here are some tips for writing examples:

  • Start the example with an explanation of the main topic. Try to use as many relevant keywords as possible in this section to optimize for Search Engine Optimization.

  • Include an explanation with each code cell. The explanations should be included before, not after, the corresponding code.

  • The examples are built with the documentation. As part of the build process, screenshots of rendered graphics are inserted in the document. You do not need to include the screenshots yourself.

  • When creating a new folder where more than one related example will be included, ensure a README.txt file is also included. This file should contain reST to be used as the header for the index page corresponding to the subsection for these examples in the generated documentation.

Build the documentation#

Tox is used for automating the build of the documentation. To install Tox, run

python -m pip install tox tox-uv

There are different tox environments for cleaning previous build, building the HTML documentation, and checking the integrity of external links. The following environments are available:

Documentation environments





Environment for cleaning previously generated html documentation

python -m tox -e doc-clean


Environment for verifying the integrity of external links within the documentation

python -m tox -e doc-links


Environment for html documentation generation

python -m tox -e doc-html

Two environment variables are available for the documentation build:

  • BUILD_EXAMPLES: if set to true, the examples are built. This is the default behavior. When set to false, the examples are not built.

  • BUILD_API: if set to true, the API documentation is built. This is the default behavior. When set to false, the API documentation is not built.

By using these environment variables, you can speed up the build process. This allows to shorten the build time when only certain parts of the documentation are modified.


Instead of setting environment variables at the operating system level, you can add -x testenv:<env_name>.setenv+="<env_var>=<env_var_value>" to the previous tox commands. This can also be repeated to set multiple environment variables through tox. For example, to build HTML documentation while excluding both examples and API during the build, you can use the following command:

python -m tox -e doc-html -x testenv:doc-html.setenv+="BUILD_API=false" -x testenv:doc-html.setenv+="BUILD_EXAMPLES=false"