
class ansys.dpf.core.time_freq_support.TimeFreqSupport(time_freq_support=None, server=None)#

Represents a time frequency support, a description of a temporal or frequency analysis.

This class stores values such as the frequencies (time/complex), RPMs, and harmonic indices. The RPM value is a step (or load step)-based value. The time frequencies, complex frequencies, and harmonic indices are set-based values. There is one set value for each step/substep combination.

  • time_freq_support (ctypes.c_void_p, ansys.grpc.dpf.time_freq_support_pb2.TimeFreqSupport) –

  • server (ansys.dpf.core.server, optional) – Server with the channel connected to the remote or local instance. The default is None, in which case an attempt is made to use the global server.


Create a time frequency support from a model.

>>> from ansys.dpf.core import Model
>>> from ansys.dpf.core import examples
>>> transient = examples.download_transient_result()
>>> model = Model(transient)
>>> time_freq_support = model.metadata.time_freq_support # printable
property time_frequencies#

Field of time frequencies or time values for the active result. Frequencies field can have one value by set.


>>> from ansys.dpf.core import Model
>>> from ansys.dpf.core import examples
>>> transient = examples.download_transient_result()
>>> model = Model(transient)
>>> time_freq_support = model.metadata.time_freq_support
>>> freq = time_freq_support.time_frequencies
>>> freq.data

...rray([0.        , 0.019975  , 0.039975  , 0.059975  , 0.079975  ,
       0.099975  , 0.119975  , 0.139975  , 0.159975  , 0.179975  ,
       0.199975  , 0.218975  , 0.238975  , 0.258975  , 0.278975  ,
       0.298975  , 0.318975  , 0.338975  , 0.358975  , 0.378975  ,
       0.398975  , 0.417975  , 0.437975  , 0.457975  , 0.477975  ,
       0.497975  , 0.517975  , 0.53754972, 0.55725277, 0.57711786,
       0.59702054, 0.61694639, 0.63683347, 0.65673452, 0.67662783])
property complex_frequencies#

Field of complex frequencies for the active result. Complex frequencies field can have one value by set.


>>> from ansys.dpf.core import Model
>>> from ansys.dpf.core import examples
>>> transient = examples.download_transient_result()
>>> model = Model(transient)
>>> time_freq_support = model.metadata.time_freq_support
>>> freq = time_freq_support.complex_frequencies
property rpms#

Field of RPMs for the active result. The RPM field has one value by load step.

Returns None if the result has no RPMs.


Retrieve the field of harmonic indices for the active result.


  • field (dpf.core.Field) – Field of all harmonic indices in the model (complex or real). None if result is not cyclic and contains no harmonic indices.

  • stage_num (int, default: 0, optional) – Targeted stage number.

set_harmonic_indices(harmonic_indices, stage_num=0)#

Set the harmonic indices values of the time frequency support.

  • harmonic_indices (Field) – Field of harmonic indices that must be set.

  • stage_num (int, default: 0, optional) – Stage number that is defined by these harmonic indices.

property n_sets#

Number of result sets.


>>> from ansys.dpf.core import Model
>>> from ansys.dpf.core import examples
>>> transient = examples.download_transient_result()
>>> model = Model(transient)
>>> time_freq_support = model.metadata.time_freq_support
>>> time_freq_support.n_sets
get_frequency(step=0, substep=0, cumulative_index=None, cplx=False)#

Retrieve the frequence corresponding to a requested step/substep or cumulative index.

  • step (int, optional) – Index of the step (one-based).

  • substep (int, optional) – Index of the substep (one-based).

  • cumulative_index (int, optional) – Cumulative index (one-based).

  • cplx (bool) – Whether to return a complex frequency. The default is False.


frequency – Frequency of the step or substep.

Return type:


get_cumulative_index(step=0, substep=0, freq=None, cplx=False)#

Retrieves the cumulative index corresponding to the requested step/substep or frequency.

  • step (int, optional) – Analysis step.

  • substep (int, optional) – Analysis substep.

  • freq (double, optional) – Frequency in Hz.

  • cplx (False, optional) – Whether to return a complex frequency. The default is False.


index – Cumulative index based on either the step, substep, or frequency.

Return type:



Returns the list of property names supported by a Field.

Return type:



Available with server’s version starting at 5.0.


Returns the list of property names supported by a PropertyField.

Return type:



Available with server’s version starting at 5.0.


Returns the list of property names supported by a StringField.

Return type:



Available with server’s version starting at 5.0.


Returns a Field supporting (describing) a given property.

Return type:



Available with server’s version starting at 5.0.


Returns a PropertyField supporting (describing) a given property.

Return type:



Available with server’s version starting at 5.0.


Returns a StringField supporting (describing) a given property.

Return type:



Available with server’s version starting at 5.0.

append_step(step_id, step_time_frequencies, step_complex_frequencies=None, rpm_value=None, step_harmonic_indices=None)#

Append a step with all its field values in the time frequencies support. The RPM value is a step (or load step)-based value. The values for time frequencies, complex frequencies, and harmonic indices are set-based. There is one set value for each step/substep combination.

It is necessary that each call of my_time_freq_support.append_step(kwargs**) contains the same arguments.

It is necessary that time_frequencies/complex_frequencies/harmonic_indices lists have the same size if specified in the same my_time_freq_support.append_step(kwargs**) call.

  • step_id (int) – ID of the step to add.

  • step_time_frequencies (list of int/float) – Values for time frequencies related to the specified step.

  • step_complex_frequencies (list of int/float, optional) – Values for complex frequencies related to the specified step.

  • rpm_value (int/float, optional) – Value for RPM value for the specified step.

  • step_harmonic_indices (optional, dictionary or list) – Dictionary of { int : list of int/float } = { stage_num : harmonic_indices } or a list of int/float. In this case, stage_num default value is 0. Harmonic indices are values related to the specified step.


>>> from ansys.dpf.core import TimeFreqSupport
>>> tfq = TimeFreqSupport()
>>> tfq.append_step(1, [0.1, 0.21, 1.0], rpm_value = 2.0)
>>> tfq.append_step(2, [1.1, 2.0], rpm_value = 2.3)
>>> tfq2 = TimeFreqSupport()
>>> tfq2.append_step(1, [0.1, 0.21, 1.0], rpm_value = 2.0, step_harmonic_indices = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0])
>>> tfq2.append_step(2, [1.1, 2.0], rpm_value = 2.3, step_harmonic_indices = [1.0, 2.0])
>>> tfq2.append_step(3, [0.23, 0.25], rpm_value = 3.0, step_harmonic_indices = [1.0, 2.0])
>>> tfq3 = TimeFreqSupport()
>>> tfq3.append_step(1, [0.1, 0.21, 1.0], rpm_value = 2.0, step_harmonic_indices = {1: [1.0, 2.0, 3.0], 2: [1.0, 2.0, 2.5]})

Create a deep copy of the data for a time frequency support on a given server.

This method is useful for passing data from one server instance to another.


server (ansys.dpf.core.server, optional) – Server with the channel connected to the remote or local instance. The default is None, in which case an attempt is made to use the global server.



Return type:
