
enum ansys.dpf.core.available_result.Homogeneity(value)#

An enumeration.

Valid values are as follows:

acceleration = <Homogeneity.acceleration: 0>#
angle = <Homogeneity.angle: 1>#
angular_velocity = <Homogeneity.angular_velocity: 2>#
surface = <Homogeneity.surface: 3>#
capacitance = <Homogeneity.capacitance: 4>#
electric_charge = <Homogeneity.electric_charge: 5>#
electric_charge_density = <Homogeneity.electric_charge_density: 6>#
conductivity = <Homogeneity.conductivity: 7>#
current = <Homogeneity.current: 9>#
density = <Homogeneity.density: 10>#
displacement = <Homogeneity.displacement: 11>#
electric_conductivity = <Homogeneity.electric_conductivity: 12>#
electric_field = <Homogeneity.electric_field: 13>#
electric_flux_density = <Homogeneity.electric_flux_density: 14>#
electric_resistivity = <Homogeneity.electric_resistivity: 15>#
energy = <Homogeneity.energy: 16>#
film_coefficient = <Homogeneity.film_coefficient: 17>#
force = <Homogeneity.force: 18>#
force_intensity = <Homogeneity.force_intensity: 19>#
frequency = <Homogeneity.frequency: 20>#
heat_flux = <Homogeneity.heat_flux: 21>#
heat_generation = <Homogeneity.heat_generation: 22>#
heat_rate = <Homogeneity.heat_rate: 23>#
inductance = <Homogeneity.inductance: 24>#
inverse_stress = <Homogeneity.inverse_stress: 25>#
length = <Homogeneity.length: 26>#
magnetic_field_intensity = <Homogeneity.magnetic_field_intensity: 27>#
magnetic_flux = <Homogeneity.magnetic_flux: 28>#
magnetic_flux_density = <Homogeneity.magnetic_flux_density: 29>#
mass = <Homogeneity.mass: 30>#
moment = <Homogeneity.moment: 31>#
moment_intertia = <Homogeneity.moment_intertia: 32>#
permeability = <Homogeneity.permeability: 33>#
permittivity = <Homogeneity.permittivity: 34>#
poisson = <Homogeneity.poisson: 35>#
power = <Homogeneity.power: 36>#
pressure = <Homogeneity.pressure: 37>#
relative_permeability = <Homogeneity.relative_permeability: 38>#
relative_permittivity = <Homogeneity.relative_permittivity: 39>#
section_modulus = <Homogeneity.section_modulus: 40>#
specific_heat = <Homogeneity.specific_heat: 41>#
specific_weight = <Homogeneity.specific_weight: 42>#
shear_strain = <Homogeneity.shear_strain: 43>#
stiffness = <Homogeneity.stiffness: 44>#
strain = <Homogeneity.strain: 45>#
stress = <Homogeneity.stress: 46>#
strength = <Homogeneity.strength: 47>#
thermal_expansion = <Homogeneity.thermal_expansion: 48>#
temperature = <Homogeneity.temperature: 49>#
time = <Homogeneity.time: 50>#
velocity = <Homogeneity.velocity: 51>#
voltage = <Homogeneity.voltage: 52>#
volume = <Homogeneity.volume: 53>#
moment_inertia_mass = <Homogeneity.moment_inertia_mass: 55>#
stress_intensity_factor = <Homogeneity.stress_intensity_factor: 92>#
thermal_gradient = <Homogeneity.thermal_gradient: 95>#
resistance = <Homogeneity.resistance: 1000>#
unknown = <Homogeneity.unknown: 111>#
dimensionless = <Homogeneity.dimensionless: 117>#
class ansys.dpf.core.available_result.AvailableResult(availableresult)#

Represents a result that can be requested via an operator.


availableresult (available_result_pb2.AvailableResult message.) –


Explore an available result from the model.

>>> from ansys.dpf import core as dpf
>>> from ansys.dpf.core import examples
>>> transient = examples.download_transient_result()
>>> model = dpf.Model(transient)
>>> result_info = model.metadata.result_info
>>> res = result_info.available_results[0]
>>> res.name
>>> res.homogeneity
>>> res.dimensionality

Create the operator of the given available result.

>>> disp = model.results.displacement()
property name#

Result operator.

property n_components#

Number of components of the result.

property dimensionality#

Dimensionality nature of the result, such as a vector, scalar, or tensor.

property homogeneity#

Homogeneity of the result.

property unit#

Unit of the result.

property operator_name#

Name of the corresponding operator.

property sub_results#

List of the subresult.

property native_location#

Native location of the result.

property native_scoping_location#

Native scoping location of the result.

property physical_name: str#

Name of the result with spaces

property qualifiers: list#

Returns the list of qualifiers (equivalent to label spaces) available for a given Result. These qualifiers can then be used to request the result on specified locations/properties.