
These examples demonstrate the behavior and usage of DPF-Core.

Basic DPF examples#

These examples explain the basic concepts of DPF.

Basic DPF-Core usage

Basic DPF-Core usage

Basic DPF-Core usage
Operators overview

Operators overview

Operators overview
Field and field containers overview

Field and field containers overview

Field and field containers overview
Create your own entities using DPF operators

Create your own entities using DPF operators

Create your own entities using DPF operators
Bring a field's data locally to improve performance

Bring a field’s data locally to improve performance

Bring a field's data locally to improve performance
Use result helpers to load custom data

Use result helpers to load custom data

Use result helpers to load custom data
Scope results over custom time domains

Scope results over custom time domains

Scope results over custom time domains
Scope results over custom space domains

Scope results over custom space domains

Scope results over custom space domains
Mathematical Operations

Mathematical Operations

Mathematical Operations
Communicate in process or via gRPC

Communicate in process or via gRPC

Communicate in process or via gRPC
Get material properties from the result file

Get material properties from the result file

Get material properties from the result file

Transient analysis examples#

These examples show how to use DPF to extract and plot displacements, stresses, and strains for a transient result.

Transient analysis result example

Transient analysis result example

Transient analysis result example
Choose a time scoping for a transient analysis

Choose a time scoping for a transient analysis

Choose a time scoping for a transient analysis
Results extraction and analysis from LS-DYNA sources

Results extraction and analysis from LS-DYNA sources

Results extraction and analysis from LS-DYNA sources

Harmonic analysis examples#

These examples show how to use DPF to extract and manipulate results from harmonic analyses.

Multi-harmonic response example

Multi-harmonic response example

Multi-harmonic response example
Expand harmonic modal superposition with DPF

Expand harmonic modal superposition with DPF

Expand harmonic modal superposition with DPF

Advanced and miscellaneous examples#

These examples show advanced use cases to demonstrate the high level of workflow customization.

Multi-stage cyclic symmetry using advanced customization

Multi-stage cyclic symmetry using advanced customization

Multi-stage cyclic symmetry using advanced customization
Solve harmonic problem (with damping) using matrix inverse

Solve harmonic problem (with damping) using matrix inverse

Solve harmonic problem (with damping) using matrix inverse
Average elemental stress on a given volume

Average elemental stress on a given volume

Average elemental stress on a given volume
Exchange data between servers

Exchange data between servers

Exchange data between servers
Extrapolation method for stress result of a 3D element

Extrapolation method for stress result of a 3D element

Extrapolation method for stress result of a 3D element
Extrapolation method for strain result of a 2D element

Extrapolation method for strain result of a 2D element

Extrapolation method for strain result of a 2D element
Stress gradient normal to a defined node

Stress gradient normal to a defined node

Stress gradient normal to a defined node
Load plugin

Load plugin

Load plugin
Pressure vessel analysis according to an ASME standard

Pressure vessel analysis according to an ASME standard

Pressure vessel analysis according to an ASME standard
Calculate the number of cycles to fatigue failure

Calculate the number of cycles to fatigue failure

Calculate the number of cycles to fatigue failure
Read results from distributed files

Read results from distributed files

Read results from distributed files
Manage the DPF licensing logic using the server context

Manage the DPF licensing logic using the server context

Manage the DPF licensing logic using the server context

File manipulation and input-output examples#

These examples show how to manipulate files, as well as importing or exporting from or to specific formats.

HDF5 export and compare precision

HDF5 export and compare precision

HDF5 export and compare precision
Get reduced matrices and make export

Get reduced matrices and make export

Get reduced matrices and make export
Working with a result file

Working with a result file

Working with a result file

Plotting examples#

These examples show how to use the ansys.dpf.core.plotter.DpfPlotter class.

Review of available plotting commands

Review of available plotting commands

Review of available plotting commands
Compare results using the plotter

Compare results using the plotter

Compare results using the plotter
Load case combination for principal stress

Load case combination for principal stress

Load case combination for principal stress
Add nodal labels on plots

Add nodal labels on plots

Add nodal labels on plots
Plot results on a specific path

Plot results on a specific path

Plot results on a specific path
Warp the mesh by a field for plotting

Warp the mesh by a field for plotting

Warp the mesh by a field for plotting
Review of available animation commands

Review of available animation commands

Review of available animation commands
Plot on geometry elements

Plot on geometry elements

Plot on geometry elements

Examples for postprocessing on distributed processes#

These examples show how to create workflows on different processes (possibly on different machines) and connect them.

Postprocessing of displacement on distributed processes

Postprocessing of displacement on distributed processes

Postprocessing of displacement on distributed processes
Create a custom workflow on distributed processes

Create a custom workflow on distributed processes

Create a custom workflow on distributed processes
Distributed mode superposition (MSUP)

Distributed mode superposition (MSUP)

Distributed mode superposition (MSUP)
Distributed MSUP distributed modal response

Distributed MSUP distributed modal response

Distributed MSUP distributed modal response
Average Stress in distributed Workflows

Average Stress in distributed Workflows

Average Stress in distributed Workflows

Examples of creating custom operator plugins#

These examples show how to create a basic operator plugin or plug-in packages with multiple operators. Plugins wrap your custom operators so that you can use them like native DPF operators.

Create a basic operator plugin

Create a basic operator plugin

Create a basic operator plugin
Create a plug-in package with multiple operators

Create a plug-in package with multiple operators

Create a plug-in package with multiple operators
Create a plug-in package that has third-party dependencies

Create a plug-in package that has third-party dependencies

Create a plug-in package that has third-party dependencies

Averaging examples#

These examples show how to use some of DPF’s averaging operators.

Averaging order

Averaging order

Averaging order
Average across bodies

Average across bodies

Average across bodies

Mesh operations examples#

These examples show how to manipulate meshes.

Create and display a mesh with polygon and polyhedron elements

Create and display a mesh with polygon and polyhedron elements

Create and display a mesh with polygon and polyhedron elements
Extract the skin from a mesh

Extract the skin from a mesh

Extract the skin from a mesh
Convert nodal coordinates field to local coordinate system

Convert nodal coordinates field to local coordinate system

Convert nodal coordinates field to local coordinate system

Cyclic symmetry examples#

These examples show how to post-process cyclic symmetry models.

Expand mesh and results for modal cyclic symmetry

Expand mesh and results for modal cyclic symmetry

Expand mesh and results for modal cyclic symmetry
Get base and duplicate sectors (real and imaginary) results for modal cyclic symmetry

Get base and duplicate sectors (real and imaginary) results for modal cyclic symmetry

Get base and duplicate sectors (real and imaginary) results for modal cyclic symmetry
Multi-stage cyclic symmetry example

Multi-stage cyclic symmetry example

Multi-stage cyclic symmetry example

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