- class, server=None)#
Base class for support (supporting Field’s location, Scoping’s location, Collection’s labels…).
Field, PropertyField and StringField support can be accessed generically via this base class.
- Parameters:
support (ctypes.c_void_p, ansys.grpc.dpf.support_pb2.Support)
server (ansys.dpf.core.server, optional) – Server with the channel connected to the remote or local instance. The default is
, in which case an attempt is made to use the global server.
Create a time frequency support from a model.
>>> from ansys.dpf.core import Model >>> from ansys.dpf.core import examples >>> transient = examples.download_transient_result() >>> model = Model(transient) >>> time_freq_support = model.metadata.time_freq_support # printable >>> time_freq_support.available_field_supported_properties() ['time_freqs'] >>> field = time_freq_support.field_support_by_property("time_freqs")
Return a Field supporting (describing) a given property. |
Return a PropertyField supporting (describing) a given property. |
Return a StringField supporting (describing) a given property. |
Return the list of property names supported by a Field. |
Return the list of property names supported by a PropertyField. |
Return the list of property names supported by a StringField. |
Clean up resources associated with the instance. |
Import detail#
from import Support
Method detail#
- Support.field_support_by_property(property_name: str)#
Return a Field supporting (describing) a given property.
- Return type:
Available with server’s version starting at 5.0.
- Support.prop_field_support_by_property(property_name: str)#
Return a PropertyField supporting (describing) a given property.
- Return type:
Available with server’s version starting at 5.0.
- Support.string_field_support_by_property(property_name: str)#
Return a StringField supporting (describing) a given property.
- Return type:
Available with server’s version starting at 5.0.
- Support.available_field_supported_properties()#
Return the list of property names supported by a Field.
- Return type:
Available with server’s version starting at 5.0.
- Support.available_prop_field_supported_properties()#
Return the list of property names supported by a PropertyField.
- Return type:
Available with server’s version starting at 5.0.
- Support.available_string_field_supported_properties()#
Return the list of property names supported by a StringField.
- Return type:
Available with server’s version starting at 5.0.
- Support.__del__()#
Clean up resources associated with the instance.
This method calls the deleter function to release resources. If an exception occurs during deletion, a warning is issued.
- Raises:
Warning – If an exception occurs while attempting to delete resources.