.. DO NOT EDIT. .. THIS FILE WAS AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED BY SPHINX-GALLERY. .. TO MAKE CHANGES, EDIT THE SOURCE PYTHON FILE: .. "examples\12-fluids\02-fluids_results.py" .. LINE NUMBERS ARE GIVEN BELOW. .. only:: html .. note:: :class: sphx-glr-download-link-note :ref:`Go to the end ` to download the full example code. .. rst-class:: sphx-glr-example-title .. _sphx_glr_examples_12-fluids_02-fluids_results.py: .. _ref_fluids_results: Explore Fluids results ---------------------- .. note:: This example requires DPF 7.0 (ansys-dpf-server-2024-1-pre0) or above. For more information, see :ref:`ref_compatibility`. .. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 36-40 Exploring Ansys Fluent results ------------------------------ This example demonstrates how you can explore Ansys Fluent results. Import the result file and explore the available results with the ``ResultInfo`` . .. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 40-54 .. code-block:: Python import ansys.dpf.core as dpf from ansys.dpf.core import examples from ansys.dpf.core.plotter import DpfPlotter paths = examples.download_fluent_multi_phase() ds = dpf.DataSources() ds.set_result_file_path(paths["cas"], "cas") ds.add_file_path(paths["dat"], "dat") streams = dpf.operators.metadata.streams_provider(data_sources=ds) rinfo = dpf.operators.metadata.result_info_provider(streams_container=streams).eval() print(rinfo) .. rst-class:: sphx-glr-script-out .. code-block:: none Static analysis Unit system: SI: m, kg, N, s, V, A, K Physics Type: Fluid Available results: - epsilon: ElementalAndFaces Epsilon - enthalpy: ElementalAndFaces Enthalpy - turbulent_kinetic_energy: ElementalAndFaces Turbulent Kinetic Energy - mach_number: Faces Mach Number - mass_flow_rate: Faces Mass Flow Rate - dynamic_viscosity: Elemental Dynamic Viscosity - turbulent_viscosity: Elemental Turbulent Viscosity - static_pressure: ElementalAndFaces Static Pressure - surface_heat_rate: Faces Surface Heat Rate - density: ElementalAndFaces Density - wall_shear_stress: Faces Wall Shear Stress - temperature: ElementalAndFaces Temperature - velocity: ElementalAndFaces Velocity - volume_fraction: ElementalAndFaces Volume Fraction - y_plus: Faces Y Plus Available qualifier labels: - zone: interior-2 (2), inlet1 (3), out1 (4), out2 (5), out3 (6), out4 (7), out5 (8), wall (9), fluid-1 (1) - phase: phase-1 (1), phase-2 (2), phase-3 (3) .. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 55-64 Explore elemental (cell) results ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dynamic viscosity is a result naturally exported to the centroids of the elements in this Fluent model. In addition, it is available for zone 1 but for all phases. If no region_scoping is connected to the results extraction operator, the result is extracted for all cell zones and exported to an Elemental ``Field``. Elemental results do not bring their ``MeshSupport`` by default, and thus the mesh input can be employed to connect the MeshedRegion and display the result. .. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 64-79 .. code-block:: Python print(rinfo.available_results[5]) whole_mesh = dpf.operators.mesh.mesh_provider(streams_container=streams).eval() mu = dpf.operators.result.dynamic_viscosity(streams_container=streams, mesh=whole_mesh).eval() print(mu) print(mu[0]) pl = DpfPlotter() pl.add_field(mu[0]) cpos = [ (-0.17022616684387018, -0.20190398787025482, 0.1948471407823707), (0.00670901800318915, 0.00674082901283412, 0.0125629516499091), (-0.84269816220442720, 0.39520703007216523, -0.3656107367116286), ] pl.show_figure(cpos=cpos, show_axes=True) .. image-sg:: /examples/12-fluids/images/sphx_glr_02-fluids_results_001.png :alt: 02 fluids results :srcset: /examples/12-fluids/images/sphx_glr_02-fluids_results_001.png :class: sphx-glr-single-img .. rst-class:: sphx-glr-script-out .. code-block:: none DPF Result ---------- dynamic_viscosity Operator name: "MU" Number of components: 1 Dimensionality: scalar Homogeneity: dynamic_viscosity Units: Pa*s Location: Elemental Available qualifier labels: - phase: phase-1 (1), phase-2 (2), phase-3 (3) - zone: fluid-1 (1) Available qualifier combinations: {'phase': 1, 'zone': 1} {'phase': 2, 'zone': 1} {'phase': 3, 'zone': 1} DPF Fields Container with 3 field(s) defined on labels: phase time with: - field 0 {phase: 1, time: 1} with Elemental location, 1 components and 46065 entities. - field 1 {phase: 2, time: 1} with Elemental location, 1 components and 46065 entities. - field 2 {phase: 3, time: 1} with Elemental location, 1 components and 46065 entities. DPF mu_phase-1 Field Location: Elemental Unit: Pa*s 46065 entities Data: 1 components and 46065 elementary data Elemental IDs data(Pa*s) ------------ ---------- 1 9.820234e-04 2 9.820714e-04 3 9.820128e-04 ... .. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 80-87 The result extraction can be tailored to a specific subset of cells employing the mesh_scoping pin and connecting an Elemental Scoping. Similarly, a nodal Scoping can be connected to reconstruct the results to the nodes. The nodal reconstruction algorithm is based on Frink's Laplacian method, and is outlined in the Technical Report AIAA-94-0061, "Recent Progress Toward a Three-Dimensional Unstructured Navier-Stokes Flow Solver". In this sense, Elemental and Nodal results can be compared. .. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 87-116 .. code-block:: Python def displace_mesh(original_mesh: dpf.MeshedRegion, disp: list) -> dpf.MeshedRegion: new_mesh = original_mesh.deep_copy() overall_field = dpf.fields_factory.create_3d_vector_field(1, dpf.locations.overall) overall_field.append(disp, 1) coordinates_to_update = new_mesh.nodes.coordinates_field add_operator = dpf.operators.math.add(coordinates_to_update, overall_field) coordinates_updated = add_operator.outputs.field() coordinates_to_update.data = coordinates_updated.data return new_mesh mu_n = dpf.operators.result.dynamic_viscosity( streams_container=streams, mesh_scoping=whole_mesh.nodes.scoping ).eval() print(mu_n) print(mu_n[0]) pl = DpfPlotter() pl.add_field(mu[0], mu[0].meshed_region) mesh_2 = displace_mesh(mu_n[0].meshed_region, [0.0, 0.0, 0.1]) pl.add_field(mu_n[0], mesh_2) cpos = [ (-0.0974229481282998, -0.3354131926802486, 0.02364170067607966), (0.0046509680168551, -0.0052570762141029, 0.07279504113027249), (-0.9556918746374846, 0.2942559170175542, 0.00815451114712985), ] pl.show_figure(cpos=cpos, show_axes=True, window_size=[1024 * 2, 768 * 2]) .. image-sg:: /examples/12-fluids/images/sphx_glr_02-fluids_results_002.png :alt: 02 fluids results :srcset: /examples/12-fluids/images/sphx_glr_02-fluids_results_002.png :class: sphx-glr-single-img .. rst-class:: sphx-glr-script-out .. code-block:: none DPF Fields Container with 3 field(s) defined on labels: phase time with: - field 0 {phase: 1, time: 1} with Nodal location, 1 components and 9884 entities. - field 1 {phase: 2, time: 1} with Nodal location, 1 components and 9884 entities. - field 2 {phase: 3, time: 1} with Nodal location, 1 components and 9884 entities. DPF mu_phase-1 Field Location: Nodal Unit: Pa*s 9884 entities Data: 1 components and 9884 elementary data Nodal IDs data(Pa*s) ------------ ---------- 1 9.826043e-04 2 9.823396e-04 3 9.824182e-04 ... .. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 117-122 The result extraction can also be tailored to a specific set of phases, zones and species employing the qualifiers ellipsis pins and connecting a LabelSpace. Each pin in the qualifiers ellipsis (1000, 1001, ...) allows you to connect a LabelSpace with the desired IDs in "zone", "phase" and/or "species". In this particular example, only "phase" is applicable. .. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 122-129 .. code-block:: Python mu_p2_prov = dpf.operators.result.dynamic_viscosity(streams_container=streams) mu_p2_prov.connect(1000, {"phase": 2}) mu_p2 = mu_p2_prov.eval() print(mu_p2) .. rst-class:: sphx-glr-script-out .. code-block:: none DPF Fields Container with 1 field(s) defined on labels: phase time zone with: - field 0 {phase: 2, time: 1, zone: 1} with Elemental location, 1 components and 46065 entities. .. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 130-138 Explore face results ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mass Flow rate is a result naturally exported to the centroids of the faces in this Fluent model. It is available for several face zones. If no region_scoping is connected to the results extraction operator, the result is extracted for all face zones (excluding interior zones), and exported to a Faces ``Field``. Face results defined on all face zones bring their ``MeshSupport`` by default. .. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 138-161 .. code-block:: Python print(rinfo.available_results[4]) mdot = dpf.operators.result.mass_flow_rate(streams_container=streams).eval() print(mdot) print(mdot[0]) print(mdot[0].meshed_region) pl = DpfPlotter() pl.add_field(mdot[0], mdot[0].meshed_region) cpos = [ (0.33174794676955766, -0.0004666003573986906, -0.003683572358464899), (0.00308308291385862, 0.0018660501219530234, 0.002657631405566274), (0.00837023599064669, -0.7165991168396113000, 0.697435047079045400), ] pl.show_figure(cpos=cpos, show_axes=True) pl = DpfPlotter() pl.add_field(mdot[0], mdot[0].meshed_region) cpos = [ (-0.22143903910901550, -0.0048827077124325, 0.0037923111967477), (0.00300595909357079, -2.622604370117e-06, 7.033083496094e-06), (-0.02716069471785041, 0.6830445754068439, -0.7298714987377765), ] pl.show_figure(cpos=cpos, show_axes=True) .. rst-class:: sphx-glr-horizontal * .. image-sg:: /examples/12-fluids/images/sphx_glr_02-fluids_results_003.png :alt: 02 fluids results :srcset: /examples/12-fluids/images/sphx_glr_02-fluids_results_003.png :class: sphx-glr-multi-img * .. image-sg:: /examples/12-fluids/images/sphx_glr_02-fluids_results_004.png :alt: 02 fluids results :srcset: /examples/12-fluids/images/sphx_glr_02-fluids_results_004.png :class: sphx-glr-multi-img .. rst-class:: sphx-glr-script-out .. code-block:: none DPF Result ---------- mass_flow_rate Operator name: "MDOT" Number of components: 1 Dimensionality: scalar Homogeneity: mass_flow_rate Units: kg/s Location: Faces Available qualifier labels: - phase: phase-1 (1), phase-2 (2), phase-3 (3) - zone: inlet1 (3), out1 (4), out2 (5), out3 (6), out4 (7), out5 (8), wall (9) Available qualifier combinations: {'phase': 1, 'zone': 3} {'phase': 1, 'zone': 4} {'phase': 1, 'zone': 5} {'phase': 1, 'zone': 6} {'phase': 1, 'zone': 7} {'phase': 1, 'zone': 8} {'phase': 1, 'zone': 9} {'phase': 2, 'zone': 3} {'phase': 2, 'zone': 4} {'phase': 2, 'zone': 5} {'phase': 2, 'zone': 6} {'phase': 2, 'zone': 7} {'phase': 2, 'zone': 8} {'phase': 2, 'zone': 9} {'phase': 3, 'zone': 3} {'phase': 3, 'zone': 4} {'phase': 3, 'zone': 5} {'phase': 3, 'zone': 6} {'phase': 3, 'zone': 7} {'phase': 3, 'zone': 8} {'phase': 3, 'zone': 9} DPF Fields Container with 3 field(s) defined on labels: phase time with: - field 0 {phase: 1, time: 1} with Faces location, 1 components and 7515 entities. - field 1 {phase: 2, time: 1} with Faces location, 1 components and 7515 entities. - field 2 {phase: 3, time: 1} with Faces location, 1 components and 7515 entities. DPF m_dot_phase-1 Field Location: Faces Unit: kg/s 7515 entities Data: 1 components and 7515 elementary data Faces IDs data(kg/s) ------------ ---------- 88507 -1.055074e-02 88508 -6.505934e-03 88509 -5.188158e-03 ... DPF Meshed Region: 3770 nodes 7515 faces Unit: m .. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 162-168 As this result is defined for several zones, the region_scoping pin can be used to extract a subset of them. We can get for example the mass flow rate for all inlets and outlets of the model. Face results defined on individual zones need the connection of the mesh pin to retrieve their right mesh_support. In particular, the connected entity should be a ``MeshesContainer`` labelled on zone. This is the output from the meshes_provider operator, as seen in :ref:`ref_fluids_mesh` . .. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 168-195 .. code-block:: Python in_sco = dpf.Scoping(ids=[3], location=dpf.locations.zone) in_meshes = dpf.operators.mesh.meshes_provider( streams_container=streams, region_scoping=in_sco ).eval() mdot_in = dpf.operators.result.mass_flow_rate( streams_container=streams, region_scoping=in_sco, mesh=in_meshes ).eval() print(mdot_in) out_sco = dpf.Scoping(ids=[4, 5, 6, 7], location=dpf.locations.zone) out_meshes = dpf.operators.mesh.meshes_provider( streams_container=streams, region_scoping=out_sco ).eval() mdot_out = dpf.operators.result.mass_flow_rate( streams_container=streams, region_scoping=out_sco, mesh=out_meshes ).eval() print(mdot_out) pl = DpfPlotter() pl.add_field(mdot_in[0], mdot_in[0].meshed_region) pl.add_field(mdot_out[0], mdot_out[0].meshed_region) pl.add_field(mdot_out[3], mdot_out[3].meshed_region) pl.add_field(mdot_out[6], mdot_out[6].meshed_region) pl.add_field(mdot_out[9], mdot_out[9].meshed_region) pl.show_figure(cpos=cpos, show_axes=True) .. image-sg:: /examples/12-fluids/images/sphx_glr_02-fluids_results_005.png :alt: 02 fluids results :srcset: /examples/12-fluids/images/sphx_glr_02-fluids_results_005.png :class: sphx-glr-single-img .. rst-class:: sphx-glr-script-out .. code-block:: none DPF Fields Container with 3 field(s) defined on labels: phase time zone with: - field 0 {phase: 1, time: 1, zone: 3} with Faces location, 1 components and 244 entities. - field 1 {phase: 2, time: 1, zone: 3} with Faces location, 1 components and 244 entities. - field 2 {phase: 3, time: 1, zone: 3} with Faces location, 1 components and 244 entities. DPF Fields Container with 12 field(s) defined on labels: phase time zone with: - field 0 {phase: 1, time: 1, zone: 4} with Faces location, 1 components and 92 entities. - field 1 {phase: 2, time: 1, zone: 4} with Faces location, 1 components and 92 entities. - field 2 {phase: 3, time: 1, zone: 4} with Faces location, 1 components and 92 entities. - field 3 {phase: 1, time: 1, zone: 5} with Faces location, 1 components and 100 entities. - field 4 {phase: 2, time: 1, zone: 5} with Faces location, 1 components and 100 entities. - field 5 {phase: 3, time: 1, zone: 5} with Faces location, 1 components and 100 entities. - field 6 {phase: 1, time: 1, zone: 6} with Faces location, 1 components and 88 entities. - field 7 {phase: 2, time: 1, zone: 6} with Faces location, 1 components and 88 entities. - field 8 {phase: 3, time: 1, zone: 6} with Faces location, 1 components and 88 entities. - field 9 {phase: 1, time: 1, zone: 7} with Faces location, 1 components and 101 entities. - field 10 {phase: 2, time: 1, zone: 7} with Faces location, 1 components and 101 entities. - field 11 {phase: 3, time: 1, zone: 7} with Faces location, 1 components and 101 entities. .. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 196-198 To filter a particular phase for a certain selection of zones, the qualifiers pin can be used. .. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 198-208 .. code-block:: Python mdot_out_prov = dpf.operators.result.mass_flow_rate(streams_container=streams, mesh=in_meshes) mdot_out_prov.connect(1000, {"zone": 4, "phase": 2}) mdot_out_prov.connect(1001, {"zone": 5, "phase": 2}) mdot_out_prov.connect(1002, {"zone": 6, "phase": 2}) mdot_out_prov.connect(1003, {"zone": 7, "phase": 2}) mdot_out_2 = mdot_out_prov.eval() print(mdot_out_2) .. rst-class:: sphx-glr-script-out .. code-block:: none DPF Fields Container with 4 field(s) defined on labels: phase time zone with: - field 0 {phase: 2, time: 1, zone: 4} with Faces location, 1 components and 92 entities. - field 1 {phase: 2, time: 1, zone: 5} with Faces location, 1 components and 100 entities. - field 2 {phase: 2, time: 1, zone: 6} with Faces location, 1 components and 88 entities. - field 3 {phase: 2, time: 1, zone: 7} with Faces location, 1 components and 101 entities. .. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 209-220 Explore ElementalAndFaces results ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ElementalAndFaces results are the ones that are exported to both the centroids of the elements and the faces. The same extraction possibilities discussed in the previous sections are applicable to these results. For example, Velocity is available for several cell and face zones. If no region_scoping is connected to the results extraction operator, the result is extracted for all cell zones, and exported to an Elemental ``Field`` (thus, the behavior for Elemental results is replicated). ElementalAndFaces results do not bring their ``MeshSupport`` by default, and thus the mesh input can be employed to connect the MeshedRegion and display the result. .. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 220-234 .. code-block:: Python print(rinfo.available_results[11]) v = dpf.operators.result.velocity(streams_container=streams, mesh=whole_mesh).eval() print(v) print(v[0]) pl = DpfPlotter() pl.add_field(v[0]) cpos = [ (-0.17022616684387018, -0.20190398787025482, 0.1948471407823707), (0.00670901800318915, 0.00674082901283412, 0.0125629516499091), (-0.84269816220442720, 0.39520703007216523, -0.3656107367116286), ] pl.show_figure(cpos=cpos, show_axes=True) .. image-sg:: /examples/12-fluids/images/sphx_glr_02-fluids_results_006.png :alt: 02 fluids results :srcset: /examples/12-fluids/images/sphx_glr_02-fluids_results_006.png :class: sphx-glr-single-img .. rst-class:: sphx-glr-script-out .. code-block:: none DPF Result ---------- temperature Operator name: "TEMP" Number of components: 1 Dimensionality: scalar Homogeneity: temperature Units: K Location: ElementalAndFaces Available qualifier labels: - phase: phase-1 (1) - zone: fluid-1 (1), inlet1 (3), out1 (4), out2 (5), out3 (6), out4 (7), out5 (8), wall (9) Available qualifier combinations: {'phase': 1, 'zone': 1} {'phase': 1, 'zone': 3} {'phase': 1, 'zone': 4} {'phase': 1, 'zone': 5} {'phase': 1, 'zone': 6} {'phase': 1, 'zone': 7} {'phase': 1, 'zone': 8} {'phase': 1, 'zone': 9} DPF Fields Container with 3 field(s) defined on labels: phase time with: - field 0 {phase: 1, time: 1} with Elemental location, 3 components and 46065 entities. - field 1 {phase: 2, time: 1} with Elemental location, 3 components and 46065 entities. - field 2 {phase: 3, time: 1} with Elemental location, 3 components and 46065 entities. DPF v_phase-1 Field Location: Elemental Unit: m/s 46065 entities Data: 3 components and 46065 elementary data Elemental IDs data(m/s) ------------ ---------- 1 7.683455e-01 2.442937e-02 4.803457e-01 2 -1.298090e-01 -6.554842e-01 -7.766054e-02 3 1.233373e+00 -1.081378e-01 5.288749e-02 ... .. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 235-237 Building upon the concepts from the previous sections, the several velocity Fields will be extracted and compared. .. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 237-276 .. code-block:: Python # Velocity field for all cells and phase 1 v_prov = dpf.operators.result.velocity(streams_container=streams, mesh=whole_mesh) v_e_1 = v_prov.eval()[0] print(v_e_1) # Velocity field for all nodes and phase 1, reconstructed from Elemental values v_prov = dpf.operators.result.velocity( streams_container=streams, mesh_scoping=whole_mesh.nodes.scoping ) v_prov.connect(1000, {"phase": 1}) v_n_1 = v_prov.eval()[0] print(v_n_1) # Velocity field for all faces in the wall zone and phase 1 mesh_9 = dpf.operators.mesh.meshes_provider(streams_container=streams, region_scoping=9).eval() v_prov = dpf.operators.result.velocity(streams_container=streams, mesh=mesh_9) v_prov.connect(1000, {"zone": 9, "phase": 1}) v_f_1 = v_prov.eval()[0] print(v_f_1) # Velocity field for all nodes in the wall zone, reconstructed from Faces values nodes_9 = dpf.ScopingsContainer() nodes_9.labels = ["zone"] nodes_9.add_scoping({"zone": 9}, mesh_9[0].nodes.scoping) v_prov = dpf.operators.result.velocity(streams_container=streams, mesh=mesh_9, mesh_scoping=nodes_9) v_prov.connect(1000, {"zone": 9, "phase": 1}) v_fn_1 = v_prov.eval()[0] print(v_fn_1) pl = DpfPlotter() pl.add_field(v_e_1, v_e_1.meshed_region) pl.add_field(v_n_1, displace_mesh(v_n_1.meshed_region, [0.0, 0.1, 0.1])) pl.add_field(v_f_1, displace_mesh(v_f_1.meshed_region, [0.14, 0.0, 0.0])) pl.add_field(v_fn_1, displace_mesh(v_fn_1.meshed_region, [0.14, 0.1, 0.1])) cpos = [ (-0.21475742417583732, -0.34217954990512434, 0.37813091968727935), (0.07300595909357072, 0.049997377395629886, 0.0500070333480835), (-0.871295572277007, 0.36296433899936376, -0.3303042753965463), ] pl.show_figure(cpos=cpos, show_axes=True, window_size=[1024 * 2, 768 * 2]) .. image-sg:: /examples/12-fluids/images/sphx_glr_02-fluids_results_007.png :alt: 02 fluids results :srcset: /examples/12-fluids/images/sphx_glr_02-fluids_results_007.png :class: sphx-glr-single-img .. rst-class:: sphx-glr-script-out .. code-block:: none DPF v_phase-1 Field Location: Elemental Unit: m/s 46065 entities Data: 3 components and 46065 elementary data Elemental IDs data(m/s) ------------ ---------- 1 7.683455e-01 2.442937e-02 4.803457e-01 2 -1.298090e-01 -6.554842e-01 -7.766054e-02 3 1.233373e+00 -1.081378e-01 5.288749e-02 ... DPF v_phase-1 Field Location: Nodal Unit: m/s 9884 entities Data: 3 components and 9884 elementary data Nodal IDs data(m/s) ------------ ---------- 1 9.242036e-01 7.270190e-03 -9.441107e-01 2 8.935150e-01 1.174454e-02 -9.015442e-01 3 8.902260e-01 -1.373017e-03 -9.067315e-01 ... DPF v_phase-1 Field Location: Faces Unit: m/s 6661 entities Data: 3 components and 6661 elementary data Faces IDs data(m/s) ------------ ---------- 89361 7.071549e-01 2.443295e-03 -6.818115e-01 89362 7.302050e-01 -6.993529e-03 -7.048932e-01 89363 7.208678e-01 -9.366445e-03 -7.038194e-01 ... DPF v_phase-1 Field Location: Nodal Unit: m/s 3447 entities Data: 3 components and 3447 elementary data Nodal IDs data(m/s) ------------ ---------- 3 7.286528e-01 -1.430611e-02 -7.451506e-01 6 7.460110e-01 2.864507e-03 -7.754091e-01 7 6.657897e-01 -5.586134e-03 -7.010177e-01 ... .. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 277-279 As observed, the reconstructed velocities at the nodes are different when cell centroidal and face centroidal values were used to average them. .. rst-class:: sphx-glr-timing **Total running time of the script:** (0 minutes 15.493 seconds) .. _sphx_glr_download_examples_12-fluids_02-fluids_results.py: .. only:: html .. container:: sphx-glr-footer sphx-glr-footer-example .. container:: sphx-glr-download sphx-glr-download-jupyter :download:`Download Jupyter notebook: 02-fluids_results.ipynb <02-fluids_results.ipynb>` .. container:: sphx-glr-download sphx-glr-download-python :download:`Download Python source code: 02-fluids_results.py <02-fluids_results.py>` .. container:: sphx-glr-download sphx-glr-download-zip :download:`Download zipped: 02-fluids_results.zip <02-fluids_results.zip>` .. only:: html .. rst-class:: sphx-glr-signature `Gallery generated by Sphinx-Gallery `_