.. _installation: ************ Installation ************ Install using ``pip`` --------------------- The standard package installer for Python is `pip `_. To use PyDPF-Core with Ansys 2021 R2 or later, install the latest version with this command: .. code:: pip install ansys-dpf-core PyDPF-Core plotting capabilities require to have `PyVista `_ installed. To install PyDPF-Core with its optional plotting functionalities, use: .. code:: pip install ansys-dpf-core[plotting] For more information about PyDPF-Core plotting capabilities, see :ref:`user_guide_plotting`. To use PyDPF-Core with Ansys 2021 R1, install the latest version with this command: .. code:: pip install ansys-dpf-core<0.3.0 Install without internet ------------------------ If you are unable to install PyDPF-Core on the host machine using ``pip`` due to network isolation, download the wheelhouse corresponding to your platform and Python interpreter version for the latest release of PyDPF-Core from the assets section of the `latest PyDPF-Core release on GitHub `_. The wheelhouse is a ZIP file containing Python wheels for all the packages PyDPF-Core requires to run. To install PyDPF-Core using the downloaded wheelhouse, unzip the wheelhouse to a local directory, then use the following command from within this local directory: .. code:: pip install --no-index --find-links=. ansys-dpf-core Beware that PyDPF-Core wheelhouses do not include the optional plotting dependencies. To allow for plotting capabilities, also download the wheels corresponding to your platform and Python interpreter version for `PyVista `_ and `matplotlib `_, then place them in the same previous local directory and run the command above. Install in development mode --------------------------- If you want to edit and potentially contribute to PyDPF-Core, clone the repository and install it using ``pip`` with the ``-e`` development flag: .. include:: ../pydpf-core_clone_install.rst .. _target_to_install_with_plotting_capabilities: Check the installation ---------------------- Run the following Python code to verify your PyDPF-Core installation: .. code:: from ansys.dpf.core import Model from ansys.dpf.core import examples model = Model(examples.find_simple_bar()) print(model)