.. _ref_compatibility: ============= Compatibility ============= Operating system ---------------- DPF supports Windows 10 and CentOS 7 and later. For more information, see `Ansys Platform Support `_. Client-server ------------- The DPF server version depends on your installed Ansys version. The following table shows client-server compatibility for supported Ansys versions. With Ansys 2021 R2 and later, you can use PyDPF-Core version 0.3.0 or later. With Ansys 2021 R1, you must use a PyDPF-Core 0.2 version. As new features are developed, every attempt is made to ensure backward compatibility from the client to the server. The `ansys.grpc.dpf `_ package should also be synchronized with the server version. .. list-table:: Client-server compatibility :widths: 20 20 20 20 20 :header-rows: 1 * - Server version - ``ansys.dpf.gatebin`` binaries Python module version - ``ansys.dpf.gate`` Python module version - ``ansys.grpc.dpf`` Python module version - ``ansys.dpf.core`` Python module version * - 6.1 (Ansys 2023 R2 pre1) - 0.3.1 and later - 0.3.1 and later - 0.7.1 and later - 0.8.0 and later * - 6.0 (Ansys 2023 R2 pre0) - 0.3.0 and later - 0.3.0 and later - 0.7.0 and later - 0.7.0 and later * - 5.0 (Ansys 2023 R1) - 0.2.0 and later - 0.2.0 and later - 0.6.0 and later - 0.6.0 and later * - 4.0 (Ansys 2022 R2) - 0.1.0 and later - 0.1.0 and later - 0.5.0 and later - 0.5.0 and later * - 3.0 (Ansys 2022 R1) - None - None - 0.4.0 - 0.4.0 and later * - 2.0 (Ansys 2021 R2) - None - None - 0.3.0 - 0.3.0 and later** * - 1.0 (Ansys 2021 R1) - None - None - 0.2.2 - 0.2.* (** Compatibility of DPF 2.0 with ansys-dpf-core 0.5.0 and later is assumed but no longer certified.) Update Python environment ------------------------- When moving from one Ansys release to another, you must update the ``ansys-dpf-core`` package and its dependencies. To get the latest version of the ``ansys-dpf-core`` package, use this command: .. code:: pip install --upgrade --force-reinstall ansys-dpf-core To get a specific version of the ``ansys-dpf-core`` package, such as 0.7.0, use this command: .. code:: pip install --force-reinstall ansys-dpf-core==0.7.0 .. _target_environment_variable_with_dpf_section: Environment variable -------------------- The ``start_local_server()`` method uses the ``Ans.Dpf.Grpc.bat`` file or ``Ans.Dpf.Grpc.sh`` file to start the server. Ensure that the ``AWP_ROOT{VER}`` environment variable is set to your installed Ansys version. For example, if Ansys 2022 R2 is installed, ensure that the ``AWP_ROOT222`` environment variable is set to the path for this Ansys installation.