Explore Fluids mesh#


This example requires DPF 7.0 (ansys-dpf-server-2024-1-pre0) or above. For more information, see Compatibility.

Exploring an Ansys Fluent mesh#

This example demonstrates how you can explore an Ansys Fluent mesh. Import the result file

import ansys.dpf.core as dpf
from ansys.dpf.core import examples

path = examples.download_fluent_axial_comp()["flprj"]
ds = dpf.DataSources(path)
streams = dpf.operators.metadata.streams_provider(data_sources=ds)

Using the mesh_provider#

The mesh_provider operator can be used to retrieve the whole mesh of the model or the MeshedRegion restricted to a particular body or face zone. The behavior will differ depending on the inputs to the region_scoping pin. If no scoping is connected, the mesh for the whole model is obtained. This is the same mesh that is obtained if the Model.metadata.meshed_region API is employed.

mesh_whole = dpf.operators.mesh.mesh_provider(streams_container=streams).eval()
01 fluids mesh
DPF  Meshed Region:
  16660 nodes
  13856 elements
  44242 faces
  Unit: m
  With solid (3D) elements

If the region_scoping pin is connected, a Scoping with 1 zone ID is expected, or an integer list with one item, or a single integer. The supported zone IDs are either face zone IDs or body IDs. The zones of this particular model are explored in Explore Fluids models. ID 4 (rotor-shroud) corresponds to a face zone, and thus its mesh is only comprised of faces and nodes. ID 13 (fluid-rotor) is a body, and thus its mesh has elements (cells), faces and nodes.

mesh_4 = dpf.operators.mesh.mesh_provider(streams_container=streams, region_scoping=4).eval()
mesh_13 = dpf.operators.mesh.mesh_provider(streams_container=streams, region_scoping=[13]).eval()
  • 01 fluids mesh
  • 01 fluids mesh
DPF  Meshed Region:
  429 nodes
  380 faces
  Unit: m
DPF  Meshed Region:
  7293 nodes
  6080 elements
  19388 faces
  Unit: m
  With solid (3D) elements

Using the meshes_provider#

The meshes_provider operator can be used to retrieve the mesh for several zones and time steps of the model. The behavior will differ depending on the inputs to the region_scoping pin. If no region_scoping is connected, the MeshedRegion for all body and face zones is retrieved in a MeshesContainer. If no time_scoping is connected and the simulation is transient, only the meshes for the first time step are extracted.

meshes_all = dpf.operators.mesh.meshes_provider(streams_container=streams).eval()
print("\n".join([str(meshes_all.get_label_space(i)) for i in range(len(meshes_all))]))
DPF Meshes Container with
        24 mesh(es)
        defined on labels ['time', 'zone']

{'time': 1, 'zone': 3}
{'time': 1, 'zone': 4}
{'time': 1, 'zone': 5}
{'time': 1, 'zone': 6}
{'time': 1, 'zone': 7}
{'time': 1, 'zone': 8}
{'time': 1, 'zone': 9}
{'time': 1, 'zone': 10}
{'time': 1, 'zone': 11}
{'time': 1, 'zone': 12}
{'time': 1, 'zone': 13}
{'time': 1, 'zone': 16}
{'time': 1, 'zone': 17}
{'time': 1, 'zone': 18}
{'time': 1, 'zone': 19}
{'time': 1, 'zone': 20}
{'time': 1, 'zone': 21}
{'time': 1, 'zone': 22}
{'time': 1, 'zone': 23}
{'time': 1, 'zone': 24}
{'time': 1, 'zone': 25}
{'time': 1, 'zone': 26}
{'time': 1, 'zone': 27}
{'time': 1, 'zone': 28}

If the region_scoping pin is connected, the mesh extraction is restricted to the zone IDs contained in the input Scoping/list (in this case, a face zone connected to body 18 and body 13).

meshes_23_13 = dpf.operators.mesh.meshes_provider(
    streams_container=streams, region_scoping=[23, 13], time_scoping=[3]
01 fluids mesh
DPF Meshes Container with
        2 mesh(es)
        defined on labels ['time', 'zone']

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 12.299 seconds)

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