.. _user_guide_waysofusing: ======================================== DPF capabilities and scripting languages ======================================== DPF as a Framework enabling data computation capabilities --------------------------------------------------------- DPF application: kernel and operator's libraries ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DPF is a framework that provides data computation capabilities. These capabilities are provided through libraries of operators. To learn more about the computed data and the operator concepts, see :ref:`user_guide_concepts`. A DPF application is always composed of a kernel (DataProcessingCore and DPFClientAPI binaries), that enables capabilities by loading libraries of operators (for example, mapdlOperatorsCore library is basic library enabled by DPF). This application is also called a **DPF Server application**. When starting a DPF application, you can customize the list of operator's libraries that the kernel loads. To learn more on how to customize the initialization of a DPF application, see :ref:`user_guide_xmlfiles`. DPF client: available APIs and languages ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DPF is a framework that provides data computation capabilities. These capabilities are enabled using the DPF Server application. These capabilities can be accessed through client APIs, as shown here: .. image:: ../images/drawings/apis_2.png 1. DPF server application can be accessed using Ansys Inc product, or DPF Server package (see :ref:`ref_getting_started_with_dpf_server`) available on the Customer portal. 2. Several client APIs are available (CPython, IronPython, C++, and so on). 3. Communication in the same process, or through gRPC, allows you to have the client and the servers on different machines. Note that **IronPython and CPython APIs are different**, each has specific syntax. The **list of available operators when using DPF is independent from the language or API which is used**, it only depends on how the DPF application has been initialized. Most of the DPF capabilities can be accessed using the operators. For more information about the existing operators, see the **Operators** tab. Enhance DPF capabilities ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The available DPF capabilities loaded in a DPF application can be enhanced by creating new operator's libraries. DPF offers multiple development APIs depending on your environment. These plugins can be: - CPython based (see :ref:`user_guide_custom_operators`) - C++ based (see "DPF/USER GUIDE" section of `C++ documentation `_) DPF integration --------------- DPF is available as a standalone tool and as a tool in Ansys Mechanical. You should decide whether you want to use standalone DPF or DPF in Mechanical before creating any scripts. DPF as a standalone application ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Standalone DPF** can be used through any of the previously mentioned APIs. In particular, DPF Standalone capabilities can be enabled using **CPython** and can be accessed via any Python console. Data can be exported to universal file formats, such as VTK, HDF5, and TXT files. You can use it to generate TH-plots, screenshots, and animations or to create custom result plots using the `numpy `_ and `matplotlib `_ packages. .. image:: ../images/drawings/dpf-reports.png Mechanical ~~~~~~~~~~ **DPF in Mechanical** uses IronPython and is accessible with the **ACT Console**. Use it to perform custom postprocessing and visualization of results directly within the Mechanical application. .. image:: ../images/drawings/dpf-mech.png